Sunday, 7 August 2011

The morning after...

 Well, I made it through my first night of camping.  If it weren't for Mommy and Daddy getting in and out of the tent twice in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I would have slept all the way through!

 Ah, nice and warm in my coug hat and duckie pj's against mommy!
 After a quick diaper change, we headed off for a morning walk down to Icicle Creek.
 Daddy took some pretty good pictures of me by the river.
 In fact, he declared this one the best photo of me EVER!  Boy did he ever jinx himself.  Moments later, Daddy would be using the composting toilet and accidentally drop the camera in the toilet.  Some men might go to war over this adorable face.... my daddy went digging into a composting toilet!
 This would be the last photograph ever taken on our Canon S1000 family camera.
While Mommy and I concocted an ad hoc changing table, Daddy was quickly becoming the talk and hero of the Lower Johnny Creek campground.  After an hour long valiant effort, he recovered the camera and saved my first camping trip pictures!!!!  We would later dispose of everything except the camera card :) Daddy - I love you, you are definitely the world's greatest Daddy and I am so lucky you're all mine!


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks it's no coincidence that the camera fell in the toilet at a place named "Johnny"?

Anonymous said...

(continued from previous "Anonymous" comment--oops): . . . but the pictures were totally worth the most disgusting rescue EVER. Aspen is adorable! --Tamela