Thursday, 28 July 2011

4 mos appt & 1st Farmer's Market

I had my 4 month doctor appointment today.  I weighed in at 12 lbs, 11 ounces (32%).  I'm 24.5 inches long (64%) and my head circumference is 41.3 cm (64%).  Tall and slender :)
 I had to get a shot and an oral vaccine today (see my tweety bird bandaid :)  Dr. Nirmal said developmentally everything looks great.  In fact, she said with all of my babbling and cooing of late, I will likely be an early talker (must be all that blabbing I hear my mom do everyday :)
 I'm starting to tell when I am at the doctor's office and I was certainly not happy about it.  Everytime mommy put me on the table, I started crying.  I don't like being poked and prodded at.  So mommy held me in her arms for most of my appointment.  Since it was such a hectic morning, we took a nice afternoon walk in the sun when daddy got home.  And we even saw some deer along the way, just like the day I came home from the hospital!
 After our walk, I got to go to my first Farmer's Market, none other than the North Bend Farmer's Market with the best backdrop ever, Mt. Si!
 I laid on a blanket with mommy and daddy, listened to some good tunes from a band called Mon Cheri from Spokane of all places and...
 sucked on daddy's finger :)
I love to stand up and even walk with a little assistance - it's the best!

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