Wednesday, 27 July 2011

I'm starting to chew on things

I'm not sure if my teeth are coming in yet, but I sure love to chew on things and blow bubbles.  Mommy gave me a new toy today that is perfect... it's fun to chew and is even a little cold.  I can't quite hold it myself, so mommy and daddy have to hold it in my mouth for me.  Once they let go, I usually spit it out of my mouth and go back to sucking on old reliable, my two hands :)


Papa and Grandma Great said...

So glad to see my lovie Aspen and how she is growing.
Hope one of these days we get a picture to show my
neighbors so we can brag on #24 and her mom and
dad. She can chew on her fist but don't let her suck her thumb like her Aunt Susie did. Love you,
Grandma and Papa

Nana said...

You are the best little girl at Gold's Gym, I bet. Don't show Mommy up with the weights. Love, Nana